Best AI Generator 

GENQiz is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence question generator that has been meticulously developed to completely revolutionize the process of creating questions and exams. Its primary aim is to provide users with the capability to generate multiple test variations, each tailored to different levels of complexity.

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What GENQiz Can Do For You?

AI Generate Question

AI Question 

Quickly generate questions from various sources such as text documents, websites, YouTube videos or other links

AI Generate ChatBot

Build AI Chatbots Effortlessly​​

Create intelligent chatbots from text documents, FAQs, or other sources

Access Comprehensive Support and Community​​

Access Comprehensive Support and Community​​

Benefit from accurate question generation and chatbot building powered by advanced AI algorithms.

AI Question Generation

Using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and Large language Model (LLM) to automatically generate questions 
from various sources of information such as text documents, websites or databases.

AI Generate Question

4 Question Template

AI - Powered question generation tools can tailor question to specific learning objectives, student abilities or assessment requirements, providing personalized learning experiences


Taker to perform a mathematical calculation or solve a numerical problem to arrive at the correct answer

True - False

Generate questionnaire with 2 answers (True /Flase) for each question

Multiple Choice

Users provide the content to be extracted and choose number of question and answers for questionnaire

Multiple Choice

Users provide the content to be extracted and choose number of question and answers for questionnaire


Generate Blanks question where there are one or more blank spaces in a sentence or a passage

Build AI Chatbots Effortlessty

Train chatbots to assist with customer support, education, or business processes.

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Step to start your Bot

Create GenQiz Bot Step 1

Create Your Bot  

Welcome to GenQiz, where you can effortlessly create your own intelligent chatbot to enhance customer engagement and streamline your business processes. 

To get started, log in to the GenQiz platform using your Google account at Once logged in, navigate to the "GEN Bots" section, where you'll begin the exciting journey of bot creation.

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Create GenQiz Bot Step 2

Train Your Bot with AI

Your data undergoes advanced training using state-of-the-art AI technologies like Large Language Models (LLM) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). 

You can upload text, files, links, or a FAQ CSV file with the template {question, answer}.

Through this process, your bot learns to understand your content deeply, extracting key insights and adapting its responses intelligently. 

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Create GenQiz Bot Step 3

Bot Setting 

  • Configure your bot settings:
    • Bot Info: Name, Response Length, Description, Guidelines.
    • Bot UI: Display name, Icon style (close the chat to view), Widget color, Position, Size, Open by default, Title, Subtitle, Greeting, etc.

Your bot's effectiveness relies on proper configuration

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Copy the generated script code and paste it onto your website to start using the GenQiz Bot.

Follow these steps, and you'll be ready to start using GenQiz Bot to enhance your website's functionality and engage with your audience effectively!

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